However, after I posted my last piece, I went through some of my recent essays and found the following comment submitted to the Ralph Nader piece (naturally, the author remained anonymous):
Anonymous said...
Aside from the poor grammar (ending a sentence with a preposition), the writer reveals his utter lack of understanding of both local issues and global events. North Korea is not simply an Oppressive Regime (capitals as per the comment), it is a genocidal maniac's fun park. Would the writer truly have us believe that anything short of unimaginable starvation, capricious torture and the pursuit of a nuclear holocaust is acceptable government?
The word "oppressive" encompasses conditions which, although they may fall short of Kim Jong Il, are a clear violation of civil rights on an ongoing, systematic basis through the official acts of a governmental body. That is exactly what we have in the Town of Rochester.
Given that I have repeatedly covered the civil rights abuses we have been enduring in this Town since the current junta took office, I will refrain from repeating all the specific examples. However, the nutshell list of basic rights violated by our local government and/or its supporters is as follows:
- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of Assembly
- Criticisms of the local papers in an attempt to violate Freedom of the Press
- Property Rights
- The right to not have one's good name smeared for political reasons
- Right to petition government officials
(1) Yes, I absolutely believe what I write. It is the complete, factual truth, unadulterated by the Liberal penchant for denying the absolute nature of our human rights. Unlike so-called "Progressives," conservatives say what we mean and mean what we say. The practice of saying something in order to get your way is something invented and perfected by Liberals. It is not one I embrace.
(2) The only "gas" in this Town is the hot air we get from the Liberal propaganda machine which is doing a very poor job at muddying the waters, although they try. Not a single criticism leveled by them against the opponents of the Town Board has any validity whatsoever. One can only hope the "carbon offsets" they are buying is sufficient to counterbalance the global warming they are causing every time they open their mouths.
Finally, I'm glad this lady or gentleman found the blog, as well. Maybe he or she will learn something. However, given the publicity local events have gotten throughout Town, it's hard to believe that this person did not know which side they supported long before Word One was written or read here.
Unless the writer is from elsewhere becoming involved in something of which he or she has no knowledge. Nah, no outsiders ever come here to change our Town. Things like that just don't happen.
Oppressive Regime? Where do you think you are, North Korea?
I wonder if you believe your own gas. I am glad I found this site, however, because now I'll know exactly who not to vote for.