Monday, February 5, 2007

Counter-Editorial Published on

Blog Editor's Note: This editorial is not attributed on the site named above to any specific individual. The domain is listed in "Who Is" as being registered by "personal." The administrative contact, however is listed as a Zali Win, who is described in an article in the Ulster County Press last year as being the "vice president of the Rochester Democratic Club." Just so you know.
The editorial follows re-prints of one of the articles found on this blog as well an article about the awards presented the night of the Town Board's censorship of free expression by the public. I am re-printing it because, unlike the Town Board and its supporters, Conservatives and Republicans are not afraid of the views of those who disagree with us. In fact, we cherish free expression and are happy when a contrary viewpoint is presented. It demonstrates that democracy does work. We have nothing to fear from the views of the other side. Can they honestly say the same? After all, actions speak louder than words.

The two preceding articles reflect two very real sides of the Town of Rochester. Yes, the community did come together to assist the family of Nico Peretta after he was struck by a van, and Yes, the Town Board was forced to adjourn a Town Board meeting because of a raucous mob. – both in the span of a few weeks. Residents in our Town have a history of helping people in need. There is also a history of political bullying and intimidation as evidenced by at least three occasions in recent memory when shouting and threats were made at Town meetings.

Let’s look at the facts. Manuela Mihailescu is a demure woman who has been active in many local organizations. She sought appointment to the Town’s Historic Preservation Commission. There had been rumors in Town for several weeks that her name was associated with adult websites and it appears that this information was passed to members of the Town Board. If presented with the information by local residents, the Town Board would have had a legitimate responsibility to look into the matter. Not because such an association, even if proven true (which we question), would necessarily disqualify her, but because the Town Board would have had a duty to make such appointments with full knowledge of the facts in order to protect residents from any potential liability.

The Town Board has full discretion to make or not make such appointments. That’s what the citizens of the Town elected the Town Board to do. By opening up the nominating process, the Town Board has sought to make these appointments equitable and unbiased. The fact that they met with Ms. Mihailescu privately to hear her side of the story rather than dismiss her candidacy outright is a testament to their fairness and respect for the process of government and of the people of our community. As former Republican Club president David O’Halloran wrote, “There are two sides to every story.”

The Republican Club’s recent postcard and a related letter that they circulated stated that the meeting took place in “executive session.” An executive session is a confidential private meeting of a public body in which only personnel and certain other matters can be discussed. None of the Town Board members present are legally able to discuss what happened. As Ms. Mihailescu was not willing to waive her privilege of confidentiality, the Town Board isn’t able to respond in any way to the many charges of misconduct that the Republican Club is alleging. It’s easy to criticize people for things they can’t respond to.

The mailer put out by the Republican Club states that the Town Board “forced pornography” on Ms. Mihailescu. Yet the publication also states that she twice requested to see the material and was denied. It sounds like the Town Board relented only after she asked again. It doesn’t sound like Ms. Mihailescu was forced.

Could the Town Board have handled this any better? Maybe. But in reading the way they handled it quietly with only Ms. Mihailescu present, it sounds like the process was fair. They met Ms. Mihailescu privately and asked her side of the story. They haven’t broken their duty of confidentiality to Ms. Mihailescu and no one would have known about the allegations if the Republican Club, in its perpetual search for a cause, hadn’t published it in their mass emails, letters, and postcards.

Should the Town Board comment on this matter? Yes, absolutely. But they can’t until Ms. Mihailescu waives her right of confidentiality. And she shouldn’t have to waive this confidentiality unless she wants to.

What is troubling is the inability of people with opposing views to discuss their differences in a civil manner. Angry mobs don’t ever bring justice and don’t encourage communities to work out their differences peacefully. In this most recent episode, they have again brought shame and embarrassment to our community. What the newspaper accounts of the February 1st Town Board meeting don’t say is that the raucous noise and horn honking occurred when the Town Board was presenting awards to Tom Bauer and Leon Decker, the two youths who helped Nico Peretti when he was motionless on the pavement. What impression did our community make on Tom and Leon that evening? They were being honored for very mature and adult-like action, yet the real adults in the room and outside the building were acting like children.

There are two sides to our community and we read about both of them. The question is, which one do we want to strive for?

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