Monday, February 26, 2007

What Rochester Democrats Stand For

On the Rochester Democratic Party website, there is a page dedicated to the Democratic Party's campaign platform ( It's an eye-opening document, to say the least. Let's take a quick peek at some of what the Democratic Party purports to believe in:

"Foster open, accountable and participatory Town Government."

"Open" meaning the Town Board holds Special Meetings, telling us they will be discussing two issues and piling on whatever else they feel like.

"Accountable" meaning they will answer no questions posed to them by the townspeople unless one of the residents signs away all her rights.

"Participatory" meaning don't move the Town Board Meeting, even if it means locking out 100 residents (including some who are elderly and disabled). Also meaning hold a tight grip on Public Comment, adjourn the meeting if the opinions expressed happen to criticize the Town Board, re-schedule a Special Meeting with no Public Comment period and eliminate the first of two traditional Public Comment periods from the next regular Meeting.

"Involve public citizens in town committees and determining Town direction."

This one apparently left out the phrase "except for those who disagree with us" when describing "public citizens".

"Promote positive actions – focus on the positive and working together, not the negative."
Yes, let's do that. Let's focus on the positive, such as adult websites which seem to have disappeared before the public could ascertain their existence. Or the fact that writing for an opposition website disqualifies you from joining committees. It is certainly admirable how the Democrats have decided to avoid negative politics. We could learn a thing or two from them.

"Continue to play an active role in running the Town Government to meet the needs of our residents."<br>
This one is perhaps the most onerous of all. Since when does a political party have a role in "running" Town Government? A Party's role is to help elect the Town Government. After that, the Government owes its allegiance to the people of the Town, not to any of the political parties. It's apparent from this statement that a Democratic oligarchy has formed which dictates to our elected officials what they may and may not do, regardless of the will or interests of the residents of Town.

In Hungary (from where my parents fled) and Romania (Manuela Mihailescu and Jon Dogar-Marinesco's birth country) and the rest of the former Soviet bloc, this was known as a "Politburo". The system in which the Politburo operated was known as "socialism" or, sometimes the "dictatorship of the proletariat". It proved to be a complete and utter failure.

I wonder if history is repeating itself in the Town of Rochester.

If you want to see what else the Democrats claim to espouse, visit

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