Monday, February 5, 2007

Town Board's "Media Release" on Why They Censored the Residents of the Town of Rochester

Media Release
For immediate distribution

Comments on February 1, 2007 Meeting
Accord, February 2, 2007

The Town Board of the Town of Rochester regrets the current controversy regarding the potential appointment of an individual to the Town’s Historic Preservation Commission. We would like nothing more than to permit all residents to hear both sides of this issue. However, we are advised by the attorney for the Town that until such time as the individual involved signs a waiver of her right to confidentiality, we are not able to give our account of what took place. The decision to waive confidentiality belongs to the individual involved, she did not do so. We respect her decision, and will not discard her right of privacy.

What we are able to say, however, is that every member of the Board interacted with this individual with respect and courtesy at all times. We sought to protect and preserve the best interests of the Town, fulfilling our responsibility to investigate matters that potentially have a bearing on her appointment, while at the same time being mindful of the rights of the individual and proper and ethical due process.

After it was determined that the Town Board would not be allowed to address the issue at the February 1st meeting, we attempted to move on with other Town business. It soon became apparent that this would be impossible because of interruptions from persons who wished to turn the routine meeting into a political rally. There are times and places for such activities, and we embrace their right to free expression, however, when town business cannot be discussed with mutual respect, and when the public’s physical safety is threatened, the choice to adjourn was an obvious one.

We are confident that fair-minded people understand that an intelligent decision on any issue is impossible without both sides being given an opportunity to be heard. We will not speculate on the motivations of those who profess to know what happened without having been there. Instead, this Town Board will continue to conduct town business as it has in the past: in a professional, businesslike and diligent fashion, mindful of the rights of all of our citizens and cognizant of our responsibility to conduct business with civility.

# # #

For more information contact:
Rod Futerfas, Esq.
Attorney for the Town of Rochester


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