Thursday, October 4, 2007

Critique of Democratic Chairman Zali Win's Letter

The letter written by Democratic Chairman Zali Win and published on the website on October 3, 2007 (click here to read) is, without any doubt, an excellent example of political spin. Chairman Win is obviously trying to defuse the criticism of the way in which the Democratic Caucus was run by employing the "Best Defense is a Good Offense" strategy, which involves blaming everyone else rather than acknowledging responsibility for mistakes made. Believe me, I've made mistakes myself in running Caucuses and have always taken the blame and apologized for them. It's not hard to do, it just takes an honest look at oneself and a bit of humility, but I digress.

The points made in the Letter, however, are easy to counter because we do not employ the "Best Defense" strategy, choosing instead to use the lesser known and rarely utilized "Tell the Truth" strategy. Then again, we have the luxury being able to do so.

A frank and honest reporting of the Democratic Caucus' events can be found on this blog (click here to read), and I'm going to spare you a complete re-telling in this Critique. However, I will respond briefly to a few of the points Chairman Win attempts to get across, endeavoring to misdirect the attention focused on the Democratic Machine by his own members, among others.

1. We are confident that these candidates, if elected by Rochester’s voters, will serve our community well and make difficult decisions fairly with the best interests of the Town at heart, rather than the best interests of a small minority.

Really? The evidence to date is that they are incapable of serving the Town as a whole and that they do, in fact, represent the interests of a small minority. Remember: Republicans, Conservatives, Democrats, Independence Party members and non-enrolled voters have all spoken out in great numbers - loudly and repeatedly - against the actions of the Town Board which are supported by a very small minority in Town. The numbers speak for themselves. In addition, HALF of all Democrats who attended the Democratic Caucus stood up and walked out in anger at the way they were treated.

2. To assert that the purpose of the caucus was to select their Republicans’ candidates instead discounts our party’s objective of putting forth well-qualified, intelligent, and civic-minded candidates.

Nice try, but no one ever said that the purpose of the Democratic Caucus was to nominate Republicans. The issue at hand is whether or not the majority of attending enrolled Democrats should have the right to amend the rules of the Caucus in order to give them a true, democratic choice.

3. Perhaps these challengers genuinely believe that the only way they can win this November is if they deprive voters of choice and win by default.

Ironically, Chairman Win is accusing others of depriving voters of a choice when enrolled Democrats were denied that very choice by their own leadership. Tony Jarvis made a Motion to amend the rules of the Caucus in order to give just such a choice to his fellow Democrats, a Motion which was ruled Out of Order before anyone even had the chance to Second it. Where's the choice given to Town Democrats by their own leadership?

4. Rochester’s Democratic candidates are prepared to campaign on the basis of their qualifications and dedication to our community, a positive vision for our region’s future, and solid ideas derived from a free and open exchange of ideas. Accordingly we have invited the Republican candidates to a Meet the Candidates night; unfortunately they have decided not to respond to our invitation.

That is a completely inaccurate description of the exchange regarding the proposed Meet the Candidates night. The Candidates were told that they would not be permitted a discussion on issues nor would there be an Open Microphone for questions from the voters. The Conservative-Republicans responded asking to have these opportunities added and to have the night moved to a more convenient point in time, when all could attend. "Free and open exchange of ideas," indeed.

5. This election will be one in which we expect a continuation of the falsehoods and misrepresentations that have been put forth in recent months by our challengers will be the norm. By contrast, our Democratic candidates will continue to articulate positive ideas and rational discourse.

Notice Chairman Win has not detailed a single "falsehood" or "misrepresentation" in his letter. This is par for the course with the supporters of the current oligarchy. They are unable to give any such details because no such "falsehoods" have been uttered by our candidates or those of us most vocal in shining daylight on the reprehensible acts of the Town Board since coming to power. The Democratic candidates cannot "continue to articulate positive ideas and rational discourse" because they have never done so!

6. We urge voters to ignore the distractions and to focus on fact and truth this November.

Finally, a point on which we do agree. If voters ignore the smoke and mirrors used by the Town Board, their supporters and the Democratic leadership, they will see the facts for what they are. We have a Town Board which is so full of its own power, so intent on its own selfish agenda, so contemptuous of the rural character of our Town and the people who live here that it cannot ever do the right thing. It is simply incapable of true leadership, of sacrifice, of understanding the desires of the people of Rochester.

Unlike the Democratic leadership, I trust the people of this Town. Our neighbors are intelligent, discerning people who see the Town Board for the bullies they are and will send them packing in November. We have no need of spin to make our message clear. The events of the past two years speak for themselves.

A new day is about to dawn for our Town, one where neighbors will once again reach out to one another in friendship. We will never again allow people like the Board and its supporters to destroy that small town spirit.

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