Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Temper, temper

Apparently, my last few posts have raised the ire of the other side. If you look at the comments posted by one or more Anonymous posters, you'll see some very nasty, very personal attacks against myself and against other posters, people who had the guts to take public ownership of their comments. After posting a few responses myself, I decided that I am no longer going to respond to any of these personal attacks. I will, however, give you the reasons for my decision:

ANONYMITY Anyone who refuses to give his or her name does not deserve to be treated as an equal debate partner. People have asked me why I allow Anonymous posts on this blog and why I don't remove the hateful, irrational comments thus posted. The answer is simple. Unlike the Town Board and its supporters, I have no desire to tell anyone what to do. I sincerely believe in the ideal that adults (chronologically speaking - emotional age is another issue) have the right to do as they please until and unless they cause harm to others. I was happy to point out the utter irrationality of those posts (until it began to take up too much of my time), but I do not censor. That is where those on our side and those who support the Board differ.

IMMATURITY Those who lob such vile comments at others are proving their lack of emotional maturity. I would not stop to debate with a five year old. Nor will I debate with one who acts as if he or she were that age.

RELEVANCE None of the Anonymous posts were actually relevant to the topic to which they were "responding." Feel free to read the original posts and then the comments. Not a single one of them actually addressed the points raised in the original posts. Of course, I can understand why. It is all but impossible to refute or rebut the truth. The commenters opted, instead, to attack the messenger (albeit falsely), hoping that by doing so they can cause people to doubt the veracity of the message. However, I believe that they underestimated the intelligence of the people of the Town of Rochester. Our neighbors do not allow themselves to be fooled easily.

AD HOMINEM ATTACKS Not once did I engage in personal attacks on any person in this blog. Not one single time. I analyzed the actions and words of our elected officials and those who support them. Oftentimes, my characterizations were harsh. However, I believe that if you involve yourself in politics, you should develop a thick skin and be prepared to have your official or political acts and words scrutinized under a microscope. That is, after all, fair game. My critics do not analyze what I write. They attack other commenters and myself on a personal level. This is known as mudslinging. Doing so does not actually harm the one you are attacking. Instead, it shows how incapable you are of engaging in a debate on the issues.

The fact is, they cannot score points on the issues. They are terrified that their own acts have unified the people of this Town against them. They lie awake at night petrified by the thought that the hicks and rednecks they look down upon will eject them from their positions of power and that they will be unable to advance their personal, selfish agendas.

The comments posted on this blog and elsewhere are the digital version of a toddler's tantrums.

They do not deserve a response. Nor will they get any more from me.

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